One more day left before November starts. And for me, that means I'm going to be tearing chunks of my hair out on a daily basis to crank out enough Times New Roman words to meet my quota. That's right, everyone, this year will be my first attempt at NaNoWriMo and I'm hoping that I'll not fail quite as miserably as I'm predicting. Because I want to win. Not gonna lie about that.
In other news, tomorrow is Halloween, which I personally love, and I think it's actually probably my favorite holiday. I say holiday for lack of a better word because it technically doesn't celebrate much of anything in society.I'm sure I would love it even more if someone considered me a person worthy of an invite to a Halloween party, but alas, no such luck. So if I want to be invited to any party in my high school life, I hope it happens soon because if the world is really ending on December 21 of next year, then I only have one Halloween left. To my knowledge, I think I'm going over to my friend's house to watch a scary movie while dressed as Batgirl. Party. Over. Here. w00t.
P. S. - I may or may not be coming to school a little blue tomorrow. ;)