The other day during physics, I was extremely preoccupied as I was trying to figure out what the equivalent of each class was to classes at Hogwarts. Tess, I may need your help over here; it's very important. Chemistry is potions, obviously, but the others confuzzle me slightly. Meh :(
I don't have very much going on in my head right now, as sickness infects my ability to not be a zombie most of the time, but on the 18th I did go to see Luke Conard, Tiffany Alvord and Alex Goot. A pictah, you say? Well, if you insist...

I'm Super Girl. Statement of fact. Jokes. (I'm so modest.)
Also, I've never been super ace at playing video games, but I bought L. A. Noire and man oh man it is AWESOME. So good. Detective Cole Phelps = BAMF.
Question: In season two I could've sworn Blaine said he was a senior, but then last week's episode premiered, and I was like, "Okay. He must be a senior this year." But then last night's episode was all like, "I probably won't get the lead because I'm only a junior, and you're a senior, Kurt." ... What? I'm sorry but, what?!?! I'm not complaining or anything; this means that Darren will be on next season, but... doesn't Darren look a little bit older than Chris Colfer? He is 24, and Chris is 21 so... Slightly confuzzled over here as they KEEP CHANGING HOW OLD EVERYBODY IS.
Feel better!