Thursday, June 23, 2011

*Insert Profound Title Here*

Hey, internet.  Can we talk?

So, this year I had my first year of high school.  Big, and intimidating, that building sat on top of a hill neither confirming nor denying if it were a prison like middle school had been, or even elementary school - but let's not go there.  When the time came to step foot through the front doors, we were all nervous, excited, possibly calm and couldn't care less but, hey, let's play up the stereotype.  Freshman.  I was just a freshman in a blurred bunch of faces.  Awaiting the endless possibilities of my future.  Little did I know what I had taken up as a challenge.

Why had no one ever told me to bring my lunch the first week because if you try to buy lunch that week, you are absolutely guaranteed to get stepped on by upperclassmen?  To be quite frank, the year itself was a total blur.  I had to fight dragons, and evil wizards, and demons, all the while trying to keep up in my schoolwork.  Not to mention I developed insomnia.  Things didn't go as well as I had hoped this year, but I guess that'll teach me to try and put a leash on that wild mutt I know as life.  This year was tough, and completely unexpected in the wow-I-thought-this-only-happened-in-the-movies-type thing, but I am just so glad that watching Disney channel prepared me for it.


Fortunately, the year of torment has ended, I will never have to be a high school frosh again, and I have friends.  (I hope it's okay for me to call you "friends".  I thought the contract covered that.  Check's in the mail.)  So basically, this was just a lame-ass nostalgic post about how sappy I can get before I get bored with myself. :)  No, but really, I hope nothing like this year has to happen again, and also I kill dragons and other mystical beasts for fun now.  So... yeah.

ALSO.  I went to the dentist today, and I had to put on a heavy vest.  Then I had to bite on a piece of plastic so lasers could line up with my face.  Then this claspy thing clamps on my forehead and temples. Something revolved around my head and made noises, and I was freaking out because I felt like I was in some kind of sci-fi movie.  In reality, I got way too excited about having my mouth x-rayed.  Turns out my fifteen year old self needs to get her wisdom teeth pulled asap.  Meh.  :(  I'm not stoked; I like being able to eat food.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

I'm a DORK. :D


I love summer.  Especially the "no school" part.  Does anyone else feel like you could just skip around town in the middle of the day and sing songs that literally announce to the world that it's summer?  No...?  Just me.  Huh...

(Guys, I havta do it.  It's just too tempting...)


Anyways, pretty much all of my emotion can be summed up in this video on my YouTube channel.

GO LOVE ME.  Just kidding.  But actually.



Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Make it Count, Kid.

I have but one day left.  An hour and a half.  Then I'm free to go.  Here goes nothing.

Make it count, kid.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Hello, Life? Yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to take a break for a while.

I am counting the hours until I get to be free from seven hours in a building that brings stress to all who enter.  To two entire months of lengthened daylight where I can't see my breath in the air.  But I'm not there yet.  So I go to high school every morning and sleep an average of three hours each night because it's my job.  I don't get paid, sometimes I don't even get fed, and they can punish me for doing my obligated job not up to par.  Remind me again why I thought growing up would be a good idea?

I haven't been sleeping much, but last night was a particularly restless one.  I fell asleep holding an open package of chocolate Goldfish (they're better than they sound, trust me), and unfortunately for me, I like to toss and turn in my much needed (and lacking) dormant hours.  I woke up an hour later because my bed had turned into a snack bowl from last night's party.  Being too lazy to actually clean them up at one in the morning, I did the only smart thing that a sensible half-asleep young woman would do:  I ate them all.  All. Of.  Them.  That was an unopened bag at 6 p.m..

Life, why do I even bother to try and make sense of you?