Thursday, April 28, 2011


I know! I know! I didn't post yesterday, and this is a suckish attempt at BEDA.  So much for the "everyday" part...  But I'M TRYING MY BEST HERE.   Much to my dismay and shock, the world is slightly more complicated than I originally thought, and stuff gets in the way.  Build a bridge and get over it.

There's someone reading over my shoulder now, and, quite frankly, it's making me... awkward...  I can't write anything with some... random.. (not really)... person reading over my shoulder.  He's looking away now so I can think.  HOLLER.  Why is my iTunes library full of random songs that I don't know?  Someone explain?  No, okay... that's cool.


The Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 trailer.


Why do I always cry when there's anything involved with Harry Potter?? Why?  The tears that were streaming down my face after I saw it (twice), were ridiculous.  It's a book series. 


Maybe a little bit more than that. 

*cough* I have a shrine in my bedroom *COUGH*

AWKWARD... for me... again...

Awkward moment of the day brought to by:  I'm-so-tired-I'm-smiling-like-a-weirdo-to-hide-the-fact-that-I'm-about-to-PASS. OUT. from-exhaustion-and-I-still-have-to-start-my-homework.


Song of the day:

Sophomore - Darren Criss

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