Monday, April 4, 2011

BEDA: Synonymous of Nerd

So here we go.

Today was Monday.  There's really nothing special about Mondays; people go to school, or they go to work, come home, eat, maybe work a little more, then sleep.  Yep.

Okay, I'm bored; I'm done with that subject.

I like to consider myself a nerd, dork, geek, whatever, I don't really have a preference.  But I do, I mean, I have this entire bookshelf dedicated to Harry Potter, I have two Harry Potter posters on my wall, and my favorite T.V. shows are Doctor Who and Glee.  I like hats and sunglasses, but don't really fancy lots of jewelry.  Last summer I made it my mission to substitute as many words as I could in my American vocabulary with its English parallel.  This mission went according to plan, but I still continue with it well into the present.  Since I've starting watching Doctor Who, though I've definitely made a lot of progress in that area of expertise.  Again *points to face* dork.  I like music, pretty much anything that sounds good to me... Wow, that's specific...

I really hope I'm doing this BEDA thing right.

Song of the day:  Homecoming - Hey Monday

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