One more day left before November starts. And for me, that means I'm going to be tearing chunks of my hair out on a daily basis to crank out enough Times New Roman words to meet my quota. That's right, everyone, this year will be my first attempt at NaNoWriMo and I'm hoping that I'll not fail quite as miserably as I'm predicting. Because I want to win. Not gonna lie about that.
In other news, tomorrow is Halloween, which I personally love, and I think it's actually probably my favorite holiday. I say holiday for lack of a better word because it technically doesn't celebrate much of anything in society.I'm sure I would love it even more if someone considered me a person worthy of an invite to a Halloween party, but alas, no such luck. So if I want to be invited to any party in my high school life, I hope it happens soon because if the world is really ending on December 21 of next year, then I only have one Halloween left. To my knowledge, I think I'm going over to my friend's house to watch a scary movie while dressed as Batgirl. Party. Over. Here. w00t.
P. S. - I may or may not be coming to school a little blue tomorrow. ;)
Oh, hey there. Welcome to Geekland. This is my writey-wordy page on the internet. "Blog" is so overused.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Thoughts that are hopefully not completely confusing
So... How's life been since August? On September 13th I turned sixteen, I started sophomore year on the eighth and am now sick like everyone else in town. SICK LIFE. The good news is that I'm all caught up on my homework, and there's no school tomorrow, so that's rather convenient.
The other day during physics, I was extremely preoccupied as I was trying to figure out what the equivalent of each class was to classes at Hogwarts. Tess, I may need your help over here; it's very important. Chemistry is potions, obviously, but the others confuzzle me slightly. Meh :(
I don't have very much going on in my head right now, as sickness infects my ability to not be a zombie most of the time, but on the 18th I did go to see Luke Conard, Tiffany Alvord and Alex Goot. A pictah, you say? Well, if you insist...

The other day during physics, I was extremely preoccupied as I was trying to figure out what the equivalent of each class was to classes at Hogwarts. Tess, I may need your help over here; it's very important. Chemistry is potions, obviously, but the others confuzzle me slightly. Meh :(
I don't have very much going on in my head right now, as sickness infects my ability to not be a zombie most of the time, but on the 18th I did go to see Luke Conard, Tiffany Alvord and Alex Goot. A pictah, you say? Well, if you insist...

I'm Super Girl. Statement of fact. Jokes. (I'm so modest.)
Also, I've never been super ace at playing video games, but I bought L. A. Noire and man oh man it is AWESOME. So good. Detective Cole Phelps = BAMF.
Question: In season two I could've sworn Blaine said he was a senior, but then last week's episode premiered, and I was like, "Okay. He must be a senior this year." But then last night's episode was all like, "I probably won't get the lead because I'm only a junior, and you're a senior, Kurt." ... What? I'm sorry but, what?!?! I'm not complaining or anything; this means that Darren will be on next season, but... doesn't Darren look a little bit older than Chris Colfer? He is 24, and Chris is 21 so... Slightly confuzzled over here as they KEEP CHANGING HOW OLD EVERYBODY IS.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
I have a blog? Oh, sh-
What's this? I have a blog?! Yep, yes you do, Sophie. Good job.
It's been quite a while since I've bloggity-blog-blog-blogerama-ed around here, so... YEAH. I've been a little preoccupied, and I have four gaping holes behind each of my twelve year molars to prove it. It looks mad weird, yo. From last Thursday to Monday my diet consisted of ice cream. I literally have five empty pints of Ben & Jerry's Milk & Cookies ice cream containers in my trash can. That's a lot of ice cream. Like, really.
It's been quite a while since I've bloggity-blog-blog-blogerama-ed around here, so... YEAH. I've been a little preoccupied, and I have four gaping holes behind each of my twelve year molars to prove it. It looks mad weird, yo. From last Thursday to Monday my diet consisted of ice cream. I literally have five empty pints of Ben & Jerry's Milk & Cookies ice cream containers in my trash can. That's a lot of ice cream. Like, really.
Did anyone watch the Glee Project? Woot woot. o_O Damian won!!! and also Samuel But DAMIAN.
I have nothing else to say now. WAIT- YES I DO: So I finished watching Angel on Netflix, and now I'm watching Dollhouse. So. Good. But I only have three episodes left. *pout* Maybe I should do my summer reading before school starts in two weeks... Nah.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
The Tele & Heat
Does anyone really watch television shows at the actual time they air, on the actual television set? Cause I never really do anymore. I usually just DVR it, or watch it on Hulu, or Netflix, or megavideo. I was just thinking because I've been home all day.
Today it got into the triple digits outside. I live in Massa-freaking-chusetts. How the hell is a human supposed to live in heat like that when our bodies have an average temperature of 96-98 degrees? Imma boilin' myself up out there!!! But actually. I don't do well in the heat at all. I remember one summer, about three years ago, I was in my neighbors' driveway with my mom and my neighbor, the sun was blazing and I had a drink. My mom was chatting, and I was finishing up the last drops of my soda. One minute later I wasn't feeling too well, and I blinked to try and get the weird black spots out of my eyes. Next thing I knew I was laying on the cement with nervous people all around me. Fun times. So I figured since today was hot, I might as well just chill inside, but that means that I get to spend time thinking about stuff like T. V. shows and human body temperature while I watch Criminal Minds. (I love me some Criminal Minds.)
On a side note, I'm getting my wisdom teeth yanked on August 18th and I'm kinda sorta EXTREMELY nervous. I've never had any kind of surgery before, and I know it's only minor, but D: I've never even had an IV. Color me kinda scared.
Today it got into the triple digits outside. I live in Massa-freaking-chusetts. How the hell is a human supposed to live in heat like that when our bodies have an average temperature of 96-98 degrees? Imma boilin' myself up out there!!! But actually. I don't do well in the heat at all. I remember one summer, about three years ago, I was in my neighbors' driveway with my mom and my neighbor, the sun was blazing and I had a drink. My mom was chatting, and I was finishing up the last drops of my soda. One minute later I wasn't feeling too well, and I blinked to try and get the weird black spots out of my eyes. Next thing I knew I was laying on the cement with nervous people all around me. Fun times. So I figured since today was hot, I might as well just chill inside, but that means that I get to spend time thinking about stuff like T. V. shows and human body temperature while I watch Criminal Minds. (I love me some Criminal Minds.)
On a side note, I'm getting my wisdom teeth yanked on August 18th and I'm kinda sorta EXTREMELY nervous. I've never had any kind of surgery before, and I know it's only minor, but D: I've never even had an IV. Color me kinda scared.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Midnight premieres are cool, but not when you walk out looking like a drowned raccoon.
On Thursday night, I was a part of history. I've been a Harry Potter nerd forever and I was finally old enough to go to a midnight premiere. But why did it have to be the last one?!?!?!?!
That morning, I woke up due to major excitement at 4:30 a.m. The day could not have passed by slower. At 5:30 p.m. I changed into my Harry Potter swag, and was sporting a spiffing Gryffindor uniform. My fellow Gryffindor, and Slytherin gal pal arrived soon after and together we had a feast while teasing my sister because she's a Hufflepuff. (She got extremely angry at me...) We hung out, took pictures, dueled, and discussed the last couple movies along with the books. We left for the theatre at quarter to ten, and oh my god, why have I never been to a Harry Potter event before? Everyone was a Harry Potter nerd like me, all dressed up. Giofuis;evuiygsoy. So. Effing. Awesome. The movie itself was just amazing. By far the best out of all eight: The special effects were SO COOL, the acting was the best, and the writing was absolutely brilliant. I laughed, I cried, I screamed. Truely a phenomenal film.
After the movie, we went back to my house and were so jacked on Coca-cola, that we fell asleep at 5:30 in the morning. If you can do math, yes. I was actually up for twenty-five hours straight. Holy. Crap.
One of my favorite parts of the night was before the previews started, some guy that worked at the theatre was giving away Deathly Hallows Part 2 posters if you could answer some Harry Potter Trivia. I literally know more about HP than I do about my own life. For all the easier questions, my hand just wasn't fast enough. (What are three of the names of the triwizard champions?..., What class does Neville Longbottom excel at..?, etc..) Then the guy asked "What is Nearly Headless Nick's last name?" Do you know it? My hand shot up and two other people hesitantly raised theirs. The guy called on me YAYERZ. "Porpington," I say without hesitation. I got it right!!! That was so groovy for me, because I never win anything!!! Then my friend asked me how I knew that. My response was, "You don't know that? I thought everybody did."
*Facepalm* No, Sophie. Only huge dorkuses know that sort of useless crap.
So, naturally, I was very proud of myself.
That morning, I woke up due to major excitement at 4:30 a.m. The day could not have passed by slower. At 5:30 p.m. I changed into my Harry Potter swag, and was sporting a spiffing Gryffindor uniform. My fellow Gryffindor, and Slytherin gal pal arrived soon after and together we had a feast while teasing my sister because she's a Hufflepuff. (She got extremely angry at me...) We hung out, took pictures, dueled, and discussed the last couple movies along with the books. We left for the theatre at quarter to ten, and oh my god, why have I never been to a Harry Potter event before? Everyone was a Harry Potter nerd like me, all dressed up. Giofuis;evuiygsoy. So. Effing. Awesome. The movie itself was just amazing. By far the best out of all eight: The special effects were SO COOL, the acting was the best, and the writing was absolutely brilliant. I laughed, I cried, I screamed. Truely a phenomenal film.
After the movie, we went back to my house and were so jacked on Coca-cola, that we fell asleep at 5:30 in the morning. If you can do math, yes. I was actually up for twenty-five hours straight. Holy. Crap.
One of my favorite parts of the night was before the previews started, some guy that worked at the theatre was giving away Deathly Hallows Part 2 posters if you could answer some Harry Potter Trivia. I literally know more about HP than I do about my own life. For all the easier questions, my hand just wasn't fast enough. (What are three of the names of the triwizard champions?..., What class does Neville Longbottom excel at..?, etc..) Then the guy asked "What is Nearly Headless Nick's last name?" Do you know it? My hand shot up and two other people hesitantly raised theirs. The guy called on me YAYERZ. "Porpington," I say without hesitation. I got it right!!! That was so groovy for me, because I never win anything!!! Then my friend asked me how I knew that. My response was, "You don't know that? I thought everybody did."
*Facepalm* No, Sophie. Only huge dorkuses know that sort of useless crap.
So, naturally, I was very proud of myself.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Letter to Harry
Dear Harry,
In 1998, I was in preschool and every night my mother would read to me from the Sorcerer's Stone. I didn't learn how to read until first grade, and by then the first two movies had come out. When I finally got to second grade I tried to pick up the books right from the beginning, but I disappointed myself because someone who only reads Magic Tree House books doesn't exactly understand three quarters of the vocabulary on the first page. So I waited. I waited until the next summer and I read all of the Harry Potter books more than I drank water. All five of them. I remember I was sick for two days and while the rest of my family went out to camp or to run errands, I sat and read Goblet of Fire. In two days. When I got to the end of Order of the Phoenix, I cried and yelled at the book, cursing Bellatrix Lestrange for taking away some of the only family you had left. As time passed, and I waited in anticipation for the next book, I reread the entire series. And when Half Blood Prince came out, my mom had to buy two copies of the same book because I refused to wait two weeks for my brother to read it first. I didn't just cry when I got to the end of that one; I sobbed. I didn't leave my room for two hours and didn't want to talk to anyone for the next few days. I hated Snape like everyone else. Hated him with a burning passion that I just couldn't shake. I reread the books again. And again. And I reread the books seven different times by the time July 17, 2007 came around. That day I held the book in my hands, I ran up to my room and just looked at it. I took it all in before I even cracked it. The cover art, the weight, the way I felt about not knowing the end of the Harry Potter series for the last time in my life. I opened it to the dedication page and a tingle tear leaked out of my eye, and I began the last installment in the epic tale of Harry Potter. And I didn't eat until I finished the next day. My parents yelled at me at two in the morning when I was reading and not asleep. The minute I tuned the last page and saw the inside back cover, I sat there and cried silently. Because you're not just a fictional character, Harry, you're real. You're real in the pictures from 2000, when I'm wearing my Hogwarts shirt. You're real in the corner of my room that is a bookcase completely covered in Harry Potter memorabilia. You're real in my memories, and speech, and interest in types of books. Real in my teenage years when I went back to read the books just to see how another teenage went through their life. So real in the way that when I had no friends, I had you. Real in the way that as a definition, you are my childhood. And most importantly, you're absolutely and most definitely real in my heart. Thank you Harry Potter, for letting me feel loved by paper, being my best friend, and allowing me a place that made me realize that I'm a part of something simply bigger than just a series. I'm part of a family, and we are all still waiting for our Hogwarts letters in the mail.
Love always,
In 1998, I was in preschool and every night my mother would read to me from the Sorcerer's Stone. I didn't learn how to read until first grade, and by then the first two movies had come out. When I finally got to second grade I tried to pick up the books right from the beginning, but I disappointed myself because someone who only reads Magic Tree House books doesn't exactly understand three quarters of the vocabulary on the first page. So I waited. I waited until the next summer and I read all of the Harry Potter books more than I drank water. All five of them. I remember I was sick for two days and while the rest of my family went out to camp or to run errands, I sat and read Goblet of Fire. In two days. When I got to the end of Order of the Phoenix, I cried and yelled at the book, cursing Bellatrix Lestrange for taking away some of the only family you had left. As time passed, and I waited in anticipation for the next book, I reread the entire series. And when Half Blood Prince came out, my mom had to buy two copies of the same book because I refused to wait two weeks for my brother to read it first. I didn't just cry when I got to the end of that one; I sobbed. I didn't leave my room for two hours and didn't want to talk to anyone for the next few days. I hated Snape like everyone else. Hated him with a burning passion that I just couldn't shake. I reread the books again. And again. And I reread the books seven different times by the time July 17, 2007 came around. That day I held the book in my hands, I ran up to my room and just looked at it. I took it all in before I even cracked it. The cover art, the weight, the way I felt about not knowing the end of the Harry Potter series for the last time in my life. I opened it to the dedication page and a tingle tear leaked out of my eye, and I began the last installment in the epic tale of Harry Potter. And I didn't eat until I finished the next day. My parents yelled at me at two in the morning when I was reading and not asleep. The minute I tuned the last page and saw the inside back cover, I sat there and cried silently. Because you're not just a fictional character, Harry, you're real. You're real in the pictures from 2000, when I'm wearing my Hogwarts shirt. You're real in the corner of my room that is a bookcase completely covered in Harry Potter memorabilia. You're real in my memories, and speech, and interest in types of books. Real in my teenage years when I went back to read the books just to see how another teenage went through their life. So real in the way that when I had no friends, I had you. Real in the way that as a definition, you are my childhood. And most importantly, you're absolutely and most definitely real in my heart. Thank you Harry Potter, for letting me feel loved by paper, being my best friend, and allowing me a place that made me realize that I'm a part of something simply bigger than just a series. I'm part of a family, and we are all still waiting for our Hogwarts letters in the mail.
Love always,
Thursday, June 23, 2011
*Insert Profound Title Here*
Hey, internet. Can we talk?
So, this year I had my first year of high school. Big, and intimidating, that building sat on top of a hill neither confirming nor denying if it were a prison like middle school had been, or even elementary school - but let's not go there. When the time came to step foot through the front doors, we were all nervous, excited, possibly calm and couldn't care less but, hey, let's play up the stereotype. Freshman. I was just a freshman in a blurred bunch of faces. Awaiting the endless possibilities of my future. Little did I know what I had taken up as a challenge.
Why had no one ever told me to bring my lunch the first week because if you try to buy lunch that week, you are absolutely guaranteed to get stepped on by upperclassmen? To be quite frank, the year itself was a total blur. I had to fight dragons, and evil wizards, and demons, all the while trying to keep up in my schoolwork. Not to mention I developed insomnia. Things didn't go as well as I had hoped this year, but I guess that'll teach me to try and put a leash on that wild mutt I know as life. This year was tough, and completely unexpected in the wow-I-thought-this-only-happened-in-the-movies-type thing, but I am just so glad that watching Disney channel prepared me for it.
Fortunately, the year of torment has ended, I will never have to be a high school frosh again, and I have friends. (I hope it's okay for me to call you "friends". I thought the contract covered that. Check's in the mail.) So basically, this was just a lame-ass nostalgic post about how sappy I can get before I get bored with myself. :) No, but really, I hope nothing like this year has to happen again, and also I kill dragons and other mystical beasts for fun now. So... yeah.
ALSO. I went to the dentist today, and I had to put on a heavy vest. Then I had to bite on a piece of plastic so lasers could line up with my face. Then this claspy thing clamps on my forehead and temples. Something revolved around my head and made noises, and I was freaking out because I felt like I was in some kind of sci-fi movie. In reality, I got way too excited about having my mouth x-rayed. Turns out my fifteen year old self needs to get her wisdom teeth pulled asap. Meh. :( I'm not stoked; I like being able to eat food.
So, this year I had my first year of high school. Big, and intimidating, that building sat on top of a hill neither confirming nor denying if it were a prison like middle school had been, or even elementary school - but let's not go there. When the time came to step foot through the front doors, we were all nervous, excited, possibly calm and couldn't care less but, hey, let's play up the stereotype. Freshman. I was just a freshman in a blurred bunch of faces. Awaiting the endless possibilities of my future. Little did I know what I had taken up as a challenge.
Why had no one ever told me to bring my lunch the first week because if you try to buy lunch that week, you are absolutely guaranteed to get stepped on by upperclassmen? To be quite frank, the year itself was a total blur. I had to fight dragons, and evil wizards, and demons, all the while trying to keep up in my schoolwork. Not to mention I developed insomnia. Things didn't go as well as I had hoped this year, but I guess that'll teach me to try and put a leash on that wild mutt I know as life. This year was tough, and completely unexpected in the wow-I-thought-this-only-happened-in-the-movies-type thing, but I am just so glad that watching Disney channel prepared me for it.
Fortunately, the year of torment has ended, I will never have to be a high school frosh again, and I have friends. (I hope it's okay for me to call you "friends". I thought the contract covered that. Check's in the mail.) So basically, this was just a lame-ass nostalgic post about how sappy I can get before I get bored with myself. :) No, but really, I hope nothing like this year has to happen again, and also I kill dragons and other mystical beasts for fun now. So... yeah.
ALSO. I went to the dentist today, and I had to put on a heavy vest. Then I had to bite on a piece of plastic so lasers could line up with my face. Then this claspy thing clamps on my forehead and temples. Something revolved around my head and made noises, and I was freaking out because I felt like I was in some kind of sci-fi movie. In reality, I got way too excited about having my mouth x-rayed. Turns out my fifteen year old self needs to get her wisdom teeth pulled asap. Meh. :( I'm not stoked; I like being able to eat food.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
I'm a DORK. :D
I love summer. Especially the "no school" part. Does anyone else feel like you could just skip around town in the middle of the day and sing songs that literally announce to the world that it's summer? No...? Just me. Huh...
(Guys, I havta do it. It's just too tempting...)
Anyways, pretty much all of my emotion can be summed up in this video on my YouTube channel.
GO LOVE ME. Just kidding. But actually.
I love summer. Especially the "no school" part. Does anyone else feel like you could just skip around town in the middle of the day and sing songs that literally announce to the world that it's summer? No...? Just me. Huh...
(Guys, I havta do it. It's just too tempting...)
Anyways, pretty much all of my emotion can be summed up in this video on my YouTube channel.
GO LOVE ME. Just kidding. But actually.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Make it Count, Kid.
I have but one day left. An hour and a half. Then I'm free to go. Here goes nothing.
Make it count, kid.
Make it count, kid.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Hello, Life? Yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to take a break for a while.
I am counting the hours until I get to be free from seven hours in a building that brings stress to all who enter. To two entire months of lengthened daylight where I can't see my breath in the air. But I'm not there yet. So I go to high school every morning and sleep an average of three hours each night because it's my job. I don't get paid, sometimes I don't even get fed, and they can punish me for doing my obligated job not up to par. Remind me again why I thought growing up would be a good idea?
I haven't been sleeping much, but last night was a particularly restless one. I fell asleep holding an open package of chocolate Goldfish (they're better than they sound, trust me), and unfortunately for me, I like to toss and turn in my much needed (and lacking) dormant hours. I woke up an hour later because my bed had turned into a snack bowl from last night's party. Being too lazy to actually clean them up at one in the morning, I did the only smart thing that a sensible half-asleep young woman would do: I ate them all. All. Of. Them. That was an unopened bag at 6 p.m..
Life, why do I even bother to try and make sense of you?
I haven't been sleeping much, but last night was a particularly restless one. I fell asleep holding an open package of chocolate Goldfish (they're better than they sound, trust me), and unfortunately for me, I like to toss and turn in my much needed (and lacking) dormant hours. I woke up an hour later because my bed had turned into a snack bowl from last night's party. Being too lazy to actually clean them up at one in the morning, I did the only smart thing that a sensible half-asleep young woman would do: I ate them all. All. Of. Them. That was an unopened bag at 6 p.m..
Life, why do I even bother to try and make sense of you?
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Those Irksome Teenage Pangs
I wish I were a lot of things, but I've never not wanted to be me. I mean, sure, when we were little we all wanted to be a princess, or Hermione Granger, or even Misty from Pokémon - what? Oh, that was just me? Oh...
But in reality, we didn't want to be them, we just wanted to be exactly like them. I find that this is a little bit more than slightly different.I guess I'm not really going anywhere with that thought, but right now I'm fifteen. My freshman year of high school has *goes and checks assignment notebook* twenty-four days eft of its life, and I couldn't be more excited that summer was coming. I used to not look forward to summer because I've never gone to camps, and all my friends did. So the only time I would see them was during the school year. This was also the time when I loved school, so to say that my perspective on life has changed a tad is an understatement. I don't really have many neighbors my age in my neighborhood, so forget a block party, or whatever those crazy shenanigans are called. All I had access to was my family, and boy, did we have some fun. My mom used to be a teacher so there's always been bins of activities, and toys lying around the basement. Stuff like giant cardboard bricks, and pet store play stuff, and pizza joint stuff, play food, you know, the works, so to me it never really got old as long as I had either my brother or sister. And even when I was alone, I loved to sing to myself, make up stories, and when all would fail, I would pop in a VHS of some super awesome disney film that we had in a case next to the television set. I was quite the independent tyke, if I do say so myself. I was one of the happiest kids you could ever meet, and on every other day you could probably catch me singing "Hakuna Matata" as I skipped up the stairs.
Lately, I've been finding myself doing things that I haven't done in years. Last Tuesday, I somehow found myself watching the first season of Pokémon, and actually enjoyed it. Laugh all you want, you know you love it, though. I reminisced on when I used to watch it, and while looking through old pictures, I found one of me when I was off to school for kindergarten. I looked at the picture and thought, Oh, God. I had to be holding up bunny ears, I was so mature, whatever, I was five. And that's when I saw it: I was wearing plain girly clothes, shirt shorts, pink backpack, and WHAM!! You're hit with the realization that I am the coolest cat you've ever seen. I had on knee-high Pokémon socks. You. Are. Welcome.
As a teenager, you find yourself missing things you loved as a child, and I've been having irksome pains in my chest ** lately. So, a new thing is a part of my blog that is gonna be about Those Irksome Teenage Pangs, and you can come along a trip down memory lane with me. I'm not really sure how it'll go... Mainly because I'm planning on winging it, but also because I just don't have to know where I'm going. And that's the beauty of it.
And yo thought I forgot.
**... and I just know it's her fault, that b*tch! (virtual high five for the reference --> *high-five*)
But in reality, we didn't want to be them, we just wanted to be exactly like them. I find that this is a little bit more than slightly different.I guess I'm not really going anywhere with that thought, but right now I'm fifteen. My freshman year of high school has *goes and checks assignment notebook* twenty-four days eft of its life, and I couldn't be more excited that summer was coming. I used to not look forward to summer because I've never gone to camps, and all my friends did. So the only time I would see them was during the school year. This was also the time when I loved school, so to say that my perspective on life has changed a tad is an understatement. I don't really have many neighbors my age in my neighborhood, so forget a block party, or whatever those crazy shenanigans are called. All I had access to was my family, and boy, did we have some fun. My mom used to be a teacher so there's always been bins of activities, and toys lying around the basement. Stuff like giant cardboard bricks, and pet store play stuff, and pizza joint stuff, play food, you know, the works, so to me it never really got old as long as I had either my brother or sister. And even when I was alone, I loved to sing to myself, make up stories, and when all would fail, I would pop in a VHS of some super awesome disney film that we had in a case next to the television set. I was quite the independent tyke, if I do say so myself. I was one of the happiest kids you could ever meet, and on every other day you could probably catch me singing "Hakuna Matata" as I skipped up the stairs.
Lately, I've been finding myself doing things that I haven't done in years. Last Tuesday, I somehow found myself watching the first season of Pokémon, and actually enjoyed it. Laugh all you want, you know you love it, though. I reminisced on when I used to watch it, and while looking through old pictures, I found one of me when I was off to school for kindergarten. I looked at the picture and thought, Oh, God. I had to be holding up bunny ears, I was so mature, whatever, I was five. And that's when I saw it: I was wearing plain girly clothes, shirt shorts, pink backpack, and WHAM!! You're hit with the realization that I am the coolest cat you've ever seen. I had on knee-high Pokémon socks. You. Are. Welcome.
As a teenager, you find yourself missing things you loved as a child, and I've been having irksome pains in my chest ** lately. So, a new thing is a part of my blog that is gonna be about Those Irksome Teenage Pangs, and you can come along a trip down memory lane with me. I'm not really sure how it'll go... Mainly because I'm planning on winging it, but also because I just don't have to know where I'm going. And that's the beauty of it.
And yo thought I forgot.
**... and I just know it's her fault, that b*tch! (virtual high five for the reference --> *high-five*)
Saturday, April 30, 2011
BEDA: Obviously this post is important... and stuff...
April 30, 2011. Last day of BEDA.
I'd like to say this was a fairly successful project, even if you think I didn't do so well. It's been a rough month for me,and I'm proud that we got so many days done out of the thirty. Good job, everyone, that's a wrap. Although blogging everyday in April is done, I still want to try and blog at least twice a week, so someone get on that and remind me if I haven't gone a wild textual rant in a couple days.
Tonight is the second episode of Doctor Who this season and I want to watch, however, when that is over I'm rushing strait to my computer to watch Starkid's new musical Starship. I IS SO EXCITED. :D (<-- me). Yay.
Also, today I practiced my guitar for at least 3 hours and I don't know if bar chords are my best friend or my worst enemy. Let me ask my fingers when the swelling, redness, and numb-tingly-pain stops.
Also also, today I watched The Sorcerer's Apprentice. To start it off I asked my brother if they were going to steal the Declaration of Independence... with magic. It's surprisingly a really good movie. The guy is so bad ass by the end, in the most dorky way possible, and I love it. Watching it while sitting on an exercise ball was fun, too.
I suppose I should end this post with a bang, as it's last in the Great Adventure that was BEDA, but - hey, I'm not going anywhere.
Song of the day is a piece of Art, I think.
I'd like to say this was a fairly successful project, even if you think I didn't do so well. It's been a rough month for me,and I'm proud that we got so many days done out of the thirty. Good job, everyone, that's a wrap. Although blogging everyday in April is done, I still want to try and blog at least twice a week, so someone get on that and remind me if I haven't gone a wild textual rant in a couple days.
Tonight is the second episode of Doctor Who this season and I want to watch, however, when that is over I'm rushing strait to my computer to watch Starkid's new musical Starship. I IS SO EXCITED. :D (<-- me). Yay.
Also, today I practiced my guitar for at least 3 hours and I don't know if bar chords are my best friend or my worst enemy. Let me ask my fingers when the swelling, redness, and numb-tingly-pain stops.
Also also, today I watched The Sorcerer's Apprentice. To start it off I asked my brother if they were going to steal the Declaration of Independence... with magic. It's surprisingly a really good movie. The guy is so bad ass by the end, in the most dorky way possible, and I love it. Watching it while sitting on an exercise ball was fun, too.
I suppose I should end this post with a bang, as it's last in the Great Adventure that was BEDA, but - hey, I'm not going anywhere.
Song of the day is a piece of Art, I think.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
I know! I know! I didn't post yesterday, and this is a suckish attempt at BEDA. So much for the "everyday" part... But I'M TRYING MY BEST HERE. Much to my dismay and shock, the world is slightly more complicated than I originally thought, and stuff gets in the way. Build a bridge and get over it.
There's someone reading over my shoulder now, and, quite frankly, it's making me... awkward... I can't write anything with some... random.. (not really)... person reading over my shoulder. He's looking away now so I can think. HOLLER. Why is my iTunes library full of random songs that I don't know? Someone explain? No, okay... that's cool.
The Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 trailer.
There's someone reading over my shoulder now, and, quite frankly, it's making me... awkward... I can't write anything with some... random.. (not really)... person reading over my shoulder. He's looking away now so I can think. HOLLER. Why is my iTunes library full of random songs that I don't know? Someone explain? No, okay... that's cool.
The Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 trailer.
Why do I always cry when there's anything involved with Harry Potter?? Why? The tears that were streaming down my face after I saw it (twice), were ridiculous. It's a book series.
Maybe a little bit more than that.
*cough* I have a shrine in my bedroom *COUGH*
AWKWARD... for me... again...
Awkward moment of the day brought to by: I'm-so-tired-I'm-smiling-like-a-weirdo-to-hide-the-fact-that-I'm-about-to-PASS. OUT. from-exhaustion-and-I-still-have-to-start-my-homework.
Song of the day:
Sophomore - Darren Criss
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Happy Tuesday
BEDA: Day 26.
Hang in there, guys, we're almost home.
"Happy Tuesday" was what Tess said to me before she ran off to catch her ride. I watched her for a couple seconds, and then I thought about it. Something in the way that you said that, Tess, really made a difference to me today. Each day I try to find at least one thing that made all the bad stuff worthwhile, and it really made the difference today between an okay-iffy day and an awesome day. So, thank you. *I give you love here (hugs, praises, etc., etc.)* To return the plug that Tess did on her page, I'll do the same here because she's awesome. I swear to god, it's like that girl is made of awesome.
Not to mention Glee was on tonight. *Impish smile* That show makes me warm and fuzzy inside.
That sounded really weird when I read it back to myself, but I'm KEEPING IT IN. Huzzah for not caring late at night when I should be asleep!!!
They sang it on my favorite show, and I adore this song because there's no way you can go wrong with it.
Hang in there, guys, we're almost home.
"Happy Tuesday" was what Tess said to me before she ran off to catch her ride. I watched her for a couple seconds, and then I thought about it. Something in the way that you said that, Tess, really made a difference to me today. Each day I try to find at least one thing that made all the bad stuff worthwhile, and it really made the difference today between an okay-iffy day and an awesome day. So, thank you. *I give you love here (hugs, praises, etc., etc.)* To return the plug that Tess did on her page, I'll do the same here because she's awesome. I swear to god, it's like that girl is made of awesome.
Not to mention Glee was on tonight. *Impish smile* That show makes me warm and fuzzy inside.
That sounded really weird when I read it back to myself, but I'm KEEPING IT IN. Huzzah for not caring late at night when I should be asleep!!!
They sang it on my favorite show, and I adore this song because there's no way you can go wrong with it.
Born This Way - Lady Gaga
Monday, April 25, 2011
BEDA: I Hate Mondays
So... I'm pretty busy today being a grumpy teenage girl to think, please leave a message after the tone.
Remember that cake I mentioned the other day... yesterday..? Was that only yesterday? Oh, God, this is gonna be a long week... Anyway, the cake. Yeah, it had blue frosting and when I say blue, I mean we-added-an-entire-bottle-of-blue-food-coloring-in-the-hopes-of-it-turning-TARDIS-blue blue. So it was recently discovered that every single piece causes your entire mouth, including teeth and lips, to turn en electric blue. Also, the offer of cake has been removed as a result of there not being any left.
Now, I shall leave you all in the hopes of watching Ghost Adventures on Netflix. Have I mentioned that show is addicting? In the I'm-never-going-to-sleep-again kind of way.
Song of the day is the song that's been stuck in my head (Thanks, Adriana ;) ).
Remember that cake I mentioned the other day... yesterday..? Was that only yesterday? Oh, God, this is gonna be a long week... Anyway, the cake. Yeah, it had blue frosting and when I say blue, I mean we-added-an-entire-bottle-of-blue-food-coloring-in-the-hopes-of-it-turning-TARDIS-blue blue. So it was recently discovered that every single piece causes your entire mouth, including teeth and lips, to turn en electric blue. Also, the offer of cake has been removed as a result of there not being any left.
Now, I shall leave you all in the hopes of watching Ghost Adventures on Netflix. Have I mentioned that show is addicting? In the I'm-never-going-to-sleep-again kind of way.
Song of the day is the song that's been stuck in my head (Thanks, Adriana ;) ).
Rolling In the Deep - Adele
I want a tambourine.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
BEDA: Dr. Pepper/Root Beer
What's that, five days that I've missed now? Sounds about right, and although I had many reasons for not doing the blog everyday (some of which are decent), I'm not even gonna choose one of them.
Okay, maybe one.
Yesterday was the season premiere of Doctor Who, and if you have no idea what I'm talking about, just bear with me; I swear this geekout will be brief... Maybe. I invited over my two friends who are also fellow Whovians, and my brother and sister and I had a rockin' party. But, since it was me who was planning and in charge of things, naturally they were all last minute and chaotic. A cake was made, and the decorating took an astonishing amount of effort considering it was just a basic cake. But we were determined to make it look like the TARDIS. In the end, we forgot about the cake and didn't even have time to eat it, so if anyone wants a piece of blue-covered cake, come and get it. Because we haven't even put a dent in it. So, in summary, no time to blog yesterday.
Break's almost over and I think I'm going to cry. I'm just so freaking done with this year of school. My one goal is to pass, and just go there. *Insert flipout here*. I wish it were summer.
Oh, happy Easter and happy Passover to everyone. Or if you're atheist, happy random day of the week. :)
I think that just about covers it for today, and I'm exhausted because I didn't fall asleep until 4 this morning, and I've been cleaning all day. SPRING CLEANING IS FUN (not).
Song of the day today is due to the fact that I watched Easy A last night at 2 in the morning.
I was about to end the blog right there, but I realized that all I'd written about was basically my Doctor Who themed, Saturday, and some bitching and moaning... So HAY GUYS, WHAT'S UP??? Wanna hear a story? Okay, so earlier this week, my family and I went out to lunch at this restaurant, and my dad orders a root beer. I'm not really a root beer fan, actually, I kind of hate it, but it's not my drink. So the waitress brings us our drinks and my dad takes a sip and says, "That's not root beer, that's Dr. Pepper. Here, Sophie, taste it." Everyone knows I don't like either of the two carbonated beverages, but whatever... I didn't even bother protesting. I sipped and sure enough it was Dr. Pepper. Ohmygod. So dad calls over the waitress and is like, "Excuse me, this isn't root beer, this is Dr. Pepper." And this is the whole point to the story (that I now realize is super mega boring... Oh well...). The waitress looks at us and says, "Yeah. Aren't they the same thing?" ... Aren't they the same thing?... Um... no, they are definitely not the same thing, other wise they might have some sort of similar name or something...? This woman was well into her twenties, so tell me, what the... I mean, just... what??? I don't even...
And now you all learned something: Dr. Pepper in NOT the same as root beer.
Okay, maybe one.
Yesterday was the season premiere of Doctor Who, and if you have no idea what I'm talking about, just bear with me; I swear this geekout will be brief... Maybe. I invited over my two friends who are also fellow Whovians, and my brother and sister and I had a rockin' party. But, since it was me who was planning and in charge of things, naturally they were all last minute and chaotic. A cake was made, and the decorating took an astonishing amount of effort considering it was just a basic cake. But we were determined to make it look like the TARDIS. In the end, we forgot about the cake and didn't even have time to eat it, so if anyone wants a piece of blue-covered cake, come and get it. Because we haven't even put a dent in it. So, in summary, no time to blog yesterday.
Break's almost over and I think I'm going to cry. I'm just so freaking done with this year of school. My one goal is to pass, and just go there. *Insert flipout here*. I wish it were summer.
Oh, happy Easter and happy Passover to everyone. Or if you're atheist, happy random day of the week. :)
I think that just about covers it for today, and I'm exhausted because I didn't fall asleep until 4 this morning, and I've been cleaning all day. SPRING CLEANING IS FUN (not).
Song of the day today is due to the fact that I watched Easy A last night at 2 in the morning.
Pocketful of Sunshine - Natasha Bedingfield
I was about to end the blog right there, but I realized that all I'd written about was basically my Doctor Who themed, Saturday, and some bitching and moaning... So HAY GUYS, WHAT'S UP??? Wanna hear a story? Okay, so earlier this week, my family and I went out to lunch at this restaurant, and my dad orders a root beer. I'm not really a root beer fan, actually, I kind of hate it, but it's not my drink. So the waitress brings us our drinks and my dad takes a sip and says, "That's not root beer, that's Dr. Pepper. Here, Sophie, taste it." Everyone knows I don't like either of the two carbonated beverages, but whatever... I didn't even bother protesting. I sipped and sure enough it was Dr. Pepper. Ohmygod. So dad calls over the waitress and is like, "Excuse me, this isn't root beer, this is Dr. Pepper." And this is the whole point to the story (that I now realize is super mega boring... Oh well...). The waitress looks at us and says, "Yeah. Aren't they the same thing?" ... Aren't they the same thing?... Um... no, they are definitely not the same thing, other wise they might have some sort of similar name or something...? This woman was well into her twenties, so tell me, what the... I mean, just... what??? I don't even...
And now you all learned something: Dr. Pepper in NOT the same as root beer.
Monday, April 18, 2011
BEDA: Cheers
I should want to write right now. But I don't. Sorry, life, you're just a little bit too much today.
Here's to falling asleep at random times during the day because sleep has never been so lacked in my life. *Raises glass* Cheers.
This song won't get out of my head, and it somehow just wriggled its way into this post... Ninja song?!?!?...
Here's to falling asleep at random times during the day because sleep has never been so lacked in my life. *Raises glass* Cheers.
This song won't get out of my head, and it somehow just wriggled its way into this post... Ninja song?!?!?...
Raise Your Glass - P!nk
Sunday, April 17, 2011
BEDA: Nostalgic Submission
My mission today was simple: Locate and retrieve a copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. After dinner, I practically begged my father to drive us to the nearest store that sold DVD's, so naturally, we went to BJ's. I was completely focused, well, mostly, well... kind of, but anyways - I was focused on finding this DVD as soon as possible because Harry Potter is my childhood, pretty much. To say that I'm a fan would be an understatement. You should've seen the look on my face when I found them. Or even the sound I made. I'm weird, DON'T JUDGE ME. So I had the precious gem in my hands, but as I sprinted down the aisle, I saw more of them. Except this time, they were shinier, and in a plastic case, and had the words "Blue Ray, DVD, Digital Copy" on it, and also the phrase "Includes an opening scene of the final film."
I don't think you understand what happened in my brain for a fraction of a second. I put the box I was holding back on the shelf, and picked up the encased awesome. Just to stress the point, I have a bookcase in the corner of my room entirely filled with Harry Potter memorabilia in addition to the two posters I have on my walls. Yeah.
But the thing that struck a chord in me today might've had to do with the fact that I saw Toy Story 3 for the first time this morning, and tears of joy were leaking out of the corners of my eyes because the last scene is just so perfect for all of us who grew up with those movies. So, when I was finally in the car with the movie in my hands, I found myself cradling it. I knew it was weird, but Harry Potter is a part of my life that has been there for over ten years, and I was holding the beginning of the end. I realized two minutes later that tears were dripping down my cheeks.
I think it's growing up, that makes it so tough, and I don't mean that in the obvious sort of way, because someone is going to read that and say "yeah, duh. You're an idiot." No I'm not, so would you kindly shut up, thanks. I mean, to realize what you had in the past as a kid is now completely different, or quite possibly gone, is terrifying and makes the word "nostalgia" feel like it's caught in your throat. That's why I also bought Toy Story 1 and 2 while I was out, because I literally cannot recall a time when I had not had a copy of the movie. I feel old now. Wow... I wonder, to whoever reads this, what's something that was one really big part of your childhood that you remember fondly? Now I'll go sit pensively in a corner until dawn, thanks. Total nostalgic submission happening today. Sentimental has never been so close to home on a random day. Seriously, nothing significant was happening today, so I watched Toy Story 3. Just... Wow.
Song of the day is predictable.
You've Got a Friend in Me - Randy Newman
Saturday, April 16, 2011
BEDA: Adventure
It's April break here in Sophieville, and time is just about ready to take a new turn. On a Saturday night, one might be at a party, having the time of their life. Or one could be dabbing their eyes with a tissue, damp and sodden but only seconds old, so that they may have a chance of falling asleep. Miraculous, and terrifying, life has whizzed past human kind yet another day only to leave a footprint in the sand. To say that I'm tired would be an understatement, because I feel like my head is going to explode right now. Today I went to the circus with a couple of my friends, and to be honest, I was... shaking in my boots (yeah - that's definitely what I thought initially...) to have to think of going downtown on the train by myself, and sit in a circle composed of screaming small children, random strangers, and clowns. (I cannot begin to explain to you the amount of horror the thought of a single clown causes to my head.) But I did it. Despite the nervous wreck I was waiting for our stop to come, and watching a mute cross-dressing man in white makeup and a red nose, I did it. I had to buy myself a four dollar churro to comfort myself, but nonetheless... I accomplished something today. Sure, it wasn't the best way to spend more than 20 bucks on a Saturday afternoon, but it was an adventure. And, quite frankly, I haven't gone on many adventures all by myself, so as a young woman who currently is fifteen years of age, I am proud to say that today I went on an adventure. Then to top it all off, why not watch seven different episodes of Doctor Who on Netflix? What says "adventure" more than sitting on your ass for a couple hours watching television? Quality stuff, right there.
And to top it all off, this is possibly one of my favorite songs ever. Me encanta.
And to top it all off, this is possibly one of my favorite songs ever. Me encanta.
Dashing Knight - All Caps
I can't find the version I love on the YouTubes!!! *Insert outrage* The sadness... It's off the album Lowercase, if anyone's interested, and I definitely recommend giving it a listen.
Friday, April 15, 2011
BEDA: Day 15
I'm sleep-typing but I promise I'll have something intriguing, and charming tomorrow.
Please still be my friend? *puppy dog face*
Song that is so stuck in my head right now it's not even funny:
Please still be my friend? *puppy dog face*
Song that is so stuck in my head right now it's not even funny:
Friday - Rebecca Black
I'm so sorry, but it is. I'll spare you the pain of having your eardrums bursting by not linking the song today. I hope your dreams aren't crushed.
PS - note to self, is writing "BEDA" a the beginning of each post necessary?
Deep Questions,
BEDA: Day 14
Oooooh.... yeah. See, this page has been open for a full twenty-four hours now because yesterday I was about to write something, I swear. But then I fell asleep. Then I woke up at 9:30 pm, ate a bagel, and went to sleep again. So...
This moment brought to you by: I haven't slept that long since forever.
Song of the... yesterday... day...
This moment brought to you by: I haven't slept that long since forever.
Song of the... yesterday... day...
I'll See Her There - Skyway Flyer
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
BEDA: Save & Reset
Two more days; that's all I need I can can just relax on spring break. HOLLA AT ME. ;)
Hell High School has not been very kind to me in the past couple of days, but I just need back up until the 48 hours are done. Wow, that's kind of dramatic... Do you like the dramatic? I like the dramatic. And now I'm rambling.....
Hell High School has not been very kind to me in the past couple of days, but I just need back up until the 48 hours are done. Wow, that's kind of dramatic... Do you like the dramatic? I like the dramatic. And now I'm rambling.....
All this mush I was very recently writing does have a point. And that would be me. No, well, actually what I'm trying to say is that I plan to keep doing this BEDA thing (though not so much at 10 in the evening), throughout the month of April. However, in two days I will be on April break. Yay? Oh- I mean - YAYEAH!!!! In such free time I have, there may be some time put into making this Writey-Wordy- Page full of Awesomesauce.
Now I'm gonna sleep forever.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
BEDA: Sleep
Come and find me.
Sweep me away.
I'm so. Tired. Right. Now.
Come and find me.
Sweep me away.
I'm so. Tired. Right. Now.
Each Coming Night - Iron & Wine
Monday, April 11, 2011
BEDA: This was going to be about bad habits, but now it's called Abrasiveness
When I was turning twelve, entering my first year of middle school, I remember I had this habit of twirling my hair. The classic cliché, perfect for a young adolescent... Unless it's a nervous habit and she's not aware that she's doing it. So, naturally, being the smooth twelve-year-old boy that he was, this lad behind me says, "Why are you doing that?"
"What?" I asked.
"That." He mimicked me and pointed to my long hair. "It's kind of disgusting." Self-conscious as every young girl is, I proceeded with something along the lines of "Yeah, what of it, Bub?!?" And so began the Train of Thought of Bad Habits... Choo choo...
I'm not going to say that I have a lot of habits, and I don't think they're that bad, but I became fully aware of how a quirk could be put into perspective at that moment. Little did I know that another nervous habit was either being extremely shy and quiet, or rambling on in a sarcastic trill. Even at the young age of eleven, my humor was dry. A little too dry for one of my teachers, apparently. The first week of sixth grade we're assigned seats at the lunch tables according to Homerooms, but it's also a first-come-first-serve kind of deal, and you're limited to the number of chairs, people, yadda, yadda, so on, and so forth. Of course, I'm stuck at the loner table. The. Loner. Table. Four other boys, another girl, and a nice open seat (usually next to me) occupied by my ghost friend. The kids at this table knew the one of the teachers from elementary school, so the kind sir came to chat with us (I say "us", but I actually mean everyone besides myself). Mr. Teacher is using big words, we're rather young children, he's joking and laughing, so I take a shot at it. What harm can it do to try and be social? This is middle school now, and I can be a new-ish person, right?
"That's quite the impressive vocabulary you have, there," I slide in cooly (or what I think is pretty chill at the time. *Keep in mind that I'm not exactly being talked to...*). I'm eleven. I'm still waiting for my Hogwarts letter to come in the mail. He turns to me and smiles.
"You know, you're kind of abrasive," he says matter-of-factly. I look up at him politely, and he must he the inquiry in my eyes. "Do you know what that means?" I shake my head. "Okay," he turns his torso toward me, so now I'm the center of attention. Thanks. "Picture sand paper on skin."
"Raw? Raw skin?" I'm a deer caught in the headlights.
"Yeah, just like that," he smiles down at me. "That's what abrasive means."
I think it's safe to say he was not my favorite teacher.
Song of the day today is in response to this lovely memory:
Forget You - Cee Lo Green
Sunday, April 10, 2011
BEDA: Words
There's so many words that someone can use to describe something. Think for a moment about how many different words you know. How many others have you heard? And there's still more. Shakespeare invented over 17,000 words as he wrote, and that was centuries ago. To be able to even articulate is astonishing because my dog can only croon. Miraculously, we can speak, and other people want to listen. We have to choose carefully, but still be ourselves and the words we use could mean everything. Or they could mean nothing. It's really up to you. Think about what you're hearing, and then think about what you're understanding. Then come and tell me what our society is.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
BEDA: Daffodil
I'm running on chopped up, five hours of sleep for the last 24 hours.
Initiate BEDA.
Today I was walking around Boston, and as the spring wind tousled my hair, I watched the culture around me. The gawky nineteen year old, with headphones under his designer hoody who walks in a straight line to nowhere. The couple on the stairs, holding hands at dusk. The grass is finally getting greener now that winter's over, but only in splotches. But the thing was, even through all this early springtime wonder, there was a daffodil laying on the grass. As if someone left it there, in memory, in forgetfulness, but in absolute certainty that it should be there. I don't know if this makes sense, because it's late, but in that yellow daffodil, on the greening earth, I saw beauty in its rarest and truest form. My only regret is that I didn't take a picture of it.
Initiate BEDA.
Today I was walking around Boston, and as the spring wind tousled my hair, I watched the culture around me. The gawky nineteen year old, with headphones under his designer hoody who walks in a straight line to nowhere. The couple on the stairs, holding hands at dusk. The grass is finally getting greener now that winter's over, but only in splotches. But the thing was, even through all this early springtime wonder, there was a daffodil laying on the grass. As if someone left it there, in memory, in forgetfulness, but in absolute certainty that it should be there. I don't know if this makes sense, because it's late, but in that yellow daffodil, on the greening earth, I saw beauty in its rarest and truest form. My only regret is that I didn't take a picture of it.
Friday, April 8, 2011
BEDA: Braid Wars
Have you ever looked at someone's braided hair and said to yourself, "Wow. That is one beautiful and amazing plait"? Honestly? I remember when I was a little girl my mom tried to teach me how to braid hair, and I was a pro at it. You name it, I could braid it. Barbie dolls, my sister's hair (when it wasn't a mop-top), the neighbor's dog's tail... BOOM. Braided, but when a family friend tried to teach me how to "Idiot Braid", as he called it, man, I just got so confused. My whole world of braiding knowledge had been flipped upside down. Only two hair strands were needed!!!??? What?? The new braid, also known as a twist, was all that I could think about. And I couldn't figure out how it worked... So, after a while I just stopped braiding completely; My rebel fleet had taken so much damage we retreated from the wrath of Empire "Idiot Braid"s and all other braids imaginable. Years, I forgot how to braid... Until I decided to attack the French Braid-Selfie. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. I don't know why, or how, but I did, and now I can idiot braid hair, and fishtail hair, and YEAH! Take that Idiot Braid! My Rebel forces destroyed your Hoth base and there ain't nothing you can do about it.
no song today. Sorry
no song today. Sorry
Thursday, April 7, 2011
BEDA: day 7.... I think....
It's late. I'm stll learning how to use this site, and blog blog blog blog. OKAY??
Have some of this:
Have some of this:
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
BEDA: A Good Idea?
Was doing BEDA a good idea??? Whatever.
Things that make me feel like a kid are awesome, to say the least; but the things that always make everything better are:
- Crayons - I mean, seriously. How can you not love the waxy stick figures?
- Cupcakes - Hell. To. The. Yes. If anything makes someone feel better, it's a cupcake.
- Watching your favorite TV show/Movie.... *cough* Doctor Who *cough*
- Lurking on your friends' internets - You know what I'm talking about: Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Blogspot (Tess W, Imma stalk you). Don't tell me you haven't done it.
- Sleep. 'Nough said.
That's enough for one day....
OMG. saw the creepiest thing standing outside a Staples... Someone in a suit, you know? I think it was supposed to be the Statue of Liberty, but it looked like something out of a horror flick.
SOTD: A Whole New World - from the Aladdin Soundtrack. No link because you should know what it is. And if you don't.... SHAME on you.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
BEDA: Nothing in Particular
I'm really tired. So... Let's make this quick. How was your day? Good? Bad? I'm sorry if it was bad, but YAY for it being good! Question: Why is YouTube so addictive? Answer: Because you get permission to stalk people wherever they go, and watch their every move. Done. That's all.
Skin and Bones (feat. Darren Criss) - Charlene Kaye
I'm really tired. So... Let's make this quick. How was your day? Good? Bad? I'm sorry if it was bad, but YAY for it being good! Question: Why is YouTube so addictive? Answer: Because you get permission to stalk people wherever they go, and watch their every move. Done. That's all.
Skin and Bones (feat. Darren Criss) - Charlene Kaye
Monday, April 4, 2011
BEDA: Synonymous of Nerd
So here we go.
Today was Monday. There's really nothing special about Mondays; people go to school, or they go to work, come home, eat, maybe work a little more, then sleep. Yep.
Okay, I'm bored; I'm done with that subject.
I like to consider myself a nerd, dork, geek, whatever, I don't really have a preference. But I do, I mean, I have this entire bookshelf dedicated to Harry Potter, I have two Harry Potter posters on my wall, and my favorite T.V. shows are Doctor Who and Glee. I like hats and sunglasses, but don't really fancy lots of jewelry. Last summer I made it my mission to substitute as many words as I could in my American vocabulary with its English parallel. This mission went according to plan, but I still continue with it well into the present. Since I've starting watching Doctor Who, though I've definitely made a lot of progress in that area of expertise. Again *points to face* dork. I like music, pretty much anything that sounds good to me... Wow, that's specific...
I really hope I'm doing this BEDA thing right.
Song of the day: Homecoming - Hey Monday
Today was Monday. There's really nothing special about Mondays; people go to school, or they go to work, come home, eat, maybe work a little more, then sleep. Yep.
Okay, I'm bored; I'm done with that subject.
I like to consider myself a nerd, dork, geek, whatever, I don't really have a preference. But I do, I mean, I have this entire bookshelf dedicated to Harry Potter, I have two Harry Potter posters on my wall, and my favorite T.V. shows are Doctor Who and Glee. I like hats and sunglasses, but don't really fancy lots of jewelry. Last summer I made it my mission to substitute as many words as I could in my American vocabulary with its English parallel. This mission went according to plan, but I still continue with it well into the present. Since I've starting watching Doctor Who, though I've definitely made a lot of progress in that area of expertise. Again *points to face* dork. I like music, pretty much anything that sounds good to me... Wow, that's specific...
I really hope I'm doing this BEDA thing right.
Song of the day: Homecoming - Hey Monday
Doctor Who,
Harry Potter,
NerdGurl FTW
Sunday, April 3, 2011
BEDA: Who I Am
Time. Time works in strange, magical, and sometimes cruel ways. SOmetimes it's too slow, other times it passes to quickly, and yet, it's inevitable. Never again will there be a January 1st, 2000. Ever. We're all footprints in the wake of history and sometimes, to put it simply, things suck. Adolescence is a time when things really suck. But it's also the time where you journey to different places, and find yourself in a mix of nonsense all swirling together. I want to find myself, and it's not going to plan, but maybe it is. I used to fence. I was complete rubbish, and I got a bronze medal in a competition, but I sucked. It was a turning point for e and I quit after about a year because my friend moved up a level and didn't, but I don't regret that. It just wasn't for me. I'm finding out who I am, slowly through times, but I'm doing it. However, the only thing that bothers me is when other people think they know who you are when you're not completely sure. In the top ten on my Pet Peeve list. I mean, really? C'mon.
I'm gonna start posting a song of the day that's either stuck in my head, or just... You know. A song.
Song of the day: Dress and Tie (feat. Darren Criss) - Charlene Kaye
BEDA: April 2, 2011
Tell me, can you understand life as it happens, or do you have to look back on an event to fully understand? Is there really a full comprehension going on when you're confused? Take a conversation, for example; a conversation with a friend about a fight over... I don't know... Some social situation... A dance? Your friend comes up to you and starts talking rapidly at you about who-knows-what, and you're just hearing the words. The names, or the praises and you just can't process. Does that happen? Or do you actually speak Teenage Girl? Anyway, just a though I had.
Today I went for a walk with my dogs, Fenway and Parker, and... meh. I'm not the biggest fan of being towed down a sidewalk by relatively heavy dog. Not. A. Fan.
Okay, I'm good. Orange Soda tastes yummy.
I'm gonna go watch Doctor Who now.
Fine... judge. See what I care. Just wait until unicorns are growling in your window at night. Then you can tell me if you still judge me.
Today I went for a walk with my dogs, Fenway and Parker, and... meh. I'm not the biggest fan of being towed down a sidewalk by relatively heavy dog. Not. A. Fan.
Okay, I'm good. Orange Soda tastes yummy.
I'm gonna go watch Doctor Who now.
Fine... judge. See what I care. Just wait until unicorns are growling in your window at night. Then you can tell me if you still judge me.
Friday, April 1, 2011
BEDA, Here I Come.
Blog everyday in April YEAH!
It officially starts tomorrow for me, but this’ll have to do for today. Let’s see how long I can stick to it, I hope I can- it’ll be nice to actually stick to a project for once… Awkward… For me…
I got an iPhone. Sorry, sorry. I was too excited. Bragging over. I swear.
I’ll talk to you guys later.
Or not.
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